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Mel Green in Lofty Goals


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Most people would never think I model [because] I’m ‘so cute,’ and look ten years younger than I am,” says Mel Green. Taking the spotlight as our latest Newcomer, Mel defies all labels on the set of a loft apartment in Los Angeles, California. “When I take photos, this whole new type of woman is shown. It reminds me of who I really am.” Shooting with the photographer, Damon Loble, Mel spends the afternoon doing what she loves the most. “My passions are dance and modeling,” she says. “I love [posing nude]. Something about the simplicity of it — having to just be me and seeing what I can create from that, [and also] not being ashamed of my natural body.” For Mel, there’s an inner power that comes to life when she’s creating art with her body. “Female empowerment means being seen as equals,” she says. “I feel empowered when I’m dancing on stage or in front of the camera.


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